Loyola College M.A. Social Work April 2008 Computer Application For Social Work Question Paper PDF Download



C 25 A






Date : 16/04/2008            Dept. No.                                        Max. : 100 Marks

Time : 9:00 – 12:00




Answer FIVE questions.

Each answer should not exceed 100 words                            5X4=20

  1. Enumerate the usefulness of computer for social workers.
  2. What are the components of computer?
  3. Explain the parts of window.
  4. What is the procedure to be followed while working in Tally?
  5. What are the different kinds of slide lay out possible in power point?
  6. What are the characteristics of Computer?



Answer all questions not exceeding 50 words each                                       2 x 5 = 10

  1. Mention any two functions of descriptive analysis
  2. Write any two differences between nominal and ordinal variables
  3. Expand SPSS, SAS
  4. What is meant by prediction in data analysis?
  5. Explain Triangulation.

Answer any one question not exceeding 250 words                                      10 x 1 = 10

  1. Describe the types of data analysis with examples
  2. Differentiate between Qualitative and quantitative research?



ANSWER ANY ONE                                                                      1X30=30


  1. Calculate Salary of 20 workers in your organization.

Basic salary for 20 employees ranging from 15800 -18400 (only two persons receive same salary.)

Dearness allowance- DA  is paid at 35.38% of Basic salary

House Rent Allowance – HRA is paid at 14.5% of  Basic + DA

Gross salary is Basic+DA+HRA

Provident Fund is deducted @ 8.96% of Basic+DA+HRA

Income Tax is deducted @ 9.35%of Basic+DA+HRA

Net salary is summation of Basic+DA+HRA less PF and Income tax.


  1. Calculate the Internal tests for 100 marks and external test for 100 marks of 30 students from 06 PSW1.

and the aggregate marks for 100. Only 8 students scoring fail marks less than 40 marks and 8 students

scoring above 70 in aggregate. Show the details of only those students who secured above 70 in



  1. College fees of Rs. 18400 is paid in 3 instalments by 20 students five each from four different

departments (mention departments and Numbers) and later  concession ranging from Rs. 1300-1800  is

paid for each student.  Find out the net amount of fees to be paid.


  1. Prepare a list of Self Help Group members paying monthly subscription of Rs.150 for 10 months. Each

one has received a loan ranging from Rs.10000-20000. Each month they pay one tenth of the amount

received along with monthly subscription. What is the total amount paid by the individuals and how

much is the total amount in hand with the group?


Mail Merger


  1. Write a letter to five agencies requesting for admitting you for the Block field work in their agency

from May 05, 2008 to June 05, 2008.


  1. Prepare an invitation for the National Study Conference and send it to five Field work agencies where

our students go for the field work.




  1. Prepare a two month account for the Children Fest organized in the department of Social Work.


  1. You are working in an agency having study centres. You organize periodically training programmes,

study camps, cultural competions etc. Prepare an account for a year of  one centre.


  1. Maintain the account of the Association of Social Workers for a year receiving subscription from

students and spending on different programmes and activities of the department.


  1. Present the expenses of the Study tour to the association members.



  1. For the following multiple responses create a multiple response set and generate a Table.

Total number of variables = 4

10 x 1 = 10

Respondents Choices
1. 1,3
2. 2,3
3. 1,2
4. 1,3,2,4
5. 3,2,1,4
6. 2
7 1,2,3
8. 1,3,4
9. 1,2,4
10 2,4


  1. Using the data given below carry out the following operations and write the procedures.                                                                                                                                                                         20 x 1= 20
  2. Enter the Data on to two different worksheets using codes
  3. Merge the two worksheets in to one worksheet.
  4. Generate a frequency table for age and find out the mean age of the respondents
  5. Generate a cross table between any two variables
  6. Draw a bar chart for the occupation variable with percentage score.

Sheet  1

1.      Age 2.    Sex 3.  Marital status 4.   Education 5.    Occupation
1 25 Male Married Primary Unskilled
2 33 Male Married Secondary Skilled worker
3 24 Male Unmarried Secondary Skilled worker
4 28 Male Unmarried Graduate Professional
5 30 Male Married Secondary Not working


1.      Age 2.    Sex 3.  Marital status 4.   Education 5.    Occupation
1 22 Female Unmarried Primary Not working
2 31 Female Married Secondary Unskilled Worker
3 26 Female Married Graduate Professional
4 25 Female Unmarried Secondary Skilled worker
5 36 Female Married Secondary unskilled

Sheet 2


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